City Tripping 125 – Exciting New Old Things.
I have to start with enormous thanks to Cathy from Mummy Travels and Elizabeth Wander Mum (and a quick hello to Cathy & Elizabeth’s friends who’ve peeked their head round the door, wondering if they’re in the right place. Hello, welcome, come on in!).
They’ve let me adopt their baby, and I’ve promised to be really good and kind and take care of the City Tripping linky well.
I’ve loved reading the weekly City Tripping posts over the years, and I’m so excited to be part of this wonderful community sharing our exploits and adventures every week.
A little intro to everyone who’s new round here – I’ve been blogging for 14yrs over on LittleStuff, and a few years ago I wanted to branch the travel content we were doing into its very own site, and Have Kids, Can Travel was born. Our kids are older now – we have four, ranging from 19 to 11 – which not only means that they’re more fun to travel with than they’ve ever been, but also means we can actually take the odd child-free weekend break all on our own. Huzzah – more city tripping for us!
So – the linky is always started with a round up of favourites from the week before; and Cathy & Elizabeth have kindly picked their favourites of their very last round up for me.
- TraveLynn Family took us on a journey around Johannesburg with young children.
- Truly Madly Kids rediscovered the Cutty Sark – right on the Thames in central London
- Kidding Herself gave us a truly fascinating insights into How to use and admire the Moscow Metro
- Wilbur’s Travels was kind enough to share his top three Spanish cities
Do link up your own favourite city travel posts this week. The rules are below – please do join in with the comments and don’t forget the #citytripping tag if you can. Here’s how the City Tripping linky works…
What is the City Tripping linky?
City Tripping is the place to come and link up your city-related travel posts. We want to find out the best of things to do and see in the city, any city in the world, whether you are travelling as a family, a couple or with friends or it’s your home turf.
It could be a day out, a review of an attraction, long weekend or sharing your best insider info and hidden gems – as long as it is city-related travel.
How to join in the travel linky fun
- Link up one post – old or new. Please only link each post once.
- Please add the City Tripping badge to the bottom of the post or link back to – the badge code is below
- Posts must be about your travel experiences in a city – any city, from reviews of days out to longer breaks
- Please share the linky love and comment on both the hosts’ linked posts and at least two others which take your fancy, using #citytripping so everyone knows where you’re visiting from
- Tweet us your links @havekidscantrav along with the #citytripping hashtag and we will retweet to our followers
- We’ll be sharing your posts elsewhere on social media – we’d love it if you wanted to follow us there too: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest)
- The City Tripping linky will go live every Tuesday morning until 23.55pm on Thursday. We’ll be sharing our favourites every week too.

Badge code:
<p style="padding: 5px;" align="center"><img class="alignnone" title="HaveKidsCanTravel City Tripping" src="" alt="Have Kids Can Travel City Tripping travel linky" width="300" height="300" /></p>
Thanks again for taking over the linky, hope you have as much fun hosting it as I did – and lots of travel inspiration.
Thanks Cathy – I’ll look after it I promise!
Thank you for being one of the new hosts. I have linked up.
Thanks for joining in Lisa – I’m really excited about it!
Good luck! Thank you to Cathy and Elizabeth for all the great linkups and for one last mention! Will be joining in here too X
Thanks Megan – and it’ll be lovely to have you around!
Thank you Megan! So glad Laura is continuing the linky! X
Thanks for featuring me as a fave from last time, and all the best with taking over the linky :-)
Thanks Jenny! Not at ALL big boots to fill… *wibble*
This is very cool. Newby here. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week
Thank so much for taking on the linky Laura. Enjoy! So glad ourhard work in creating it will continue and people will still have a place to indulge their love of city life!